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Frederick Robert Rosse earned his B.S.M.E. at Drexel University and has over 35 years of engineering experience. He started work with the US Nuclear Submarine industry, and transitioning into the commercial Electric Power Industry. 

With emphasis on developing and maintaining technical capabilities in plant mechanical/ fluid systems engineering and able to reliably determine the relevant technical information and boundary conditions leading to solutions of various plant problems. 

He has written numerous computer programs dealing with heat transfer, fluid flow, thermal cycle analysis, and ASME Section I & VIII vessel design.

Designated a Corporate Specialist for rotating equipment, heat exchangers, heat cycles/heat balance analysis, plus thermal/fluid systems analysis, Fred has expertise in plant fluid systems, including simulation and diagnosis of plant operational problems. 

He has utilized numerous industry accepted heat balance programs.  Fred has designed, built and operated small cogeneration units, (Distributed Generation), including a fully automatic coal fired steam-electric plant, plus a diesel-electric unit with exhaust gas and jacket water heat recovery.

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